還看五餅二魚 |
John 6:1-14 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 周華張牧師Rev. Alan Chow on April 28, 2024 (Sunday Morning). |
你們的憂愁要變為喜樂 |
John 16:16-24 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 余華牧師 Rev. Joshua Yu on April 21, 2024 (Sunday Morning). |
為了榮耀神 |
John 17:1-5 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 胡翼權牧師 Rev, Michael Wu on January 28, 2024 (Sunday Morning). |
你們若愛我 |
John 14:15-24 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 余華牧師 Rev. Joshua Yu on December 31, 2023 (Sunday Morning). |
你們心裡不要憂愁 |
John 14:1-7 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 彭堅信牧師 Rev. Johnson Pang on July 30, 2023 (Sunday Morning). |
信的基礎與結出果子 |
John 15:5-8 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 王慶元長老 Elder Daniel Wong on March 12, 2023 (Sunday Morning). |
池邊的醫治 |
John 5:1-15 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 周華張牧師Rev. Alan Chow on January 8, 2023 (Sunday Morning). |
這是上帝的兒子 |
John 1:29-34 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 余華牧師 Rev. Joshua Yu on November 27, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
主耶穌是你我生命的答案 |
John 14:1-6 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李思聰牧師 Rev. Wilson Lee on October 9, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
遠距的醫治 |
John 4:46-54 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 周華張牧師Rev. Alan Chow on July 10, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
不斷更新的生命 |
John 15:1-3 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 胡翼權牧師 Rev, Michael Wu on March 13, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
一粒麦子的荣耀 |
John 12:20-24 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 陳榮超牧師 Rev. Victor Chan on October 10, 2021 (Sunday Morning). |
點解、點樣、我得咩 |
John 9:1-12 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李偉強牧師 Rev. David Lee on July 12, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
神的榮耀 |
John 11:17-44 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 倪嘉隆牧師 Rev. Jimmy Nih on July 14, 2019 (Sunday Morning). |
基督荣耀的爱 |
John 13:31-35 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 陳榮超牧師 Rev. Victor Chan on June 9, 2019 (Sunday Morning). |
我另外的羊 |
John 10:14-16 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 王慶元長老 Elder Daniel Wong on November 19, 2017 (Sunday Morning). |
平安喜樂的祕訣(上) |
John 14:1-3 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 王慶元長老 Elder Daniel Wong on June 11, 2017 (Sunday Morning). |
知道自己是分別為聖 |
John 17:17-19 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 陸頤牧師 Rev. Erick Loh on July 31, 2016 (Sunday Morning). |
福哉, 福音 |
John 3:16 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 彭永寧長老 Elder Wing Pang on July 17, 2016 (Sunday Morning). |
主啊,你知道我愛你 |
John 21:15-23 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 王錦龍弟兄 Bro. William Wong on May 8, 2016 (Sunday Morning). |
遵行天父旨意 |
John 4:14-34 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李德光牧師 Rev. Daniel Lieman on February 14, 2016 (Sunday Morning). |
一條毛巾的愛 |
John 13:1-20 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 馬志星牧師 Rev. Andrew Ma on April 5, 2015 (Sunday Morning). |
耶穌哭了 |
John 11:1-6 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李德光牧師 Rev. Daniel Lieman on February 8, 2015 (Sunday Morning). |
捕魚的大收獲 (愛主篇) |
John 21:1-15 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 袁惠鈞牧師 Rev. Sidney Yuan on October 26, 2014 (Sunday Morning). |
得豐盛生命與生活, 遠離邪惡的靈 |
John 10:9-10 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李德光牧師 Rev. Daniel Lieman on October 5, 2014 (Sunday Morning). |
真知道祂 |
John 10:14-16 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 王慶元長老 Elder Daniel Wong on September 7, 2014 (Sunday Morning). |
生命的糧 |
John 6:34-40 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 黎伯樂長老 Elder Patrick Lai on February 23, 2014 (Sunday Morning). |
你要痊癒嗎? |
John 5:1-18 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 黎伯樂長老 Elder Patrick Lai on January 12, 2014 (Sunday Morning). |
你有沒有感恩 |
John 3:16 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 李德光牧師 Rev. Daniel Lieman on November 24, 2013 (Sunday Morning). |
一個大臣的信 |
John 4:43-54 (Part of the 約翰福音的研經 series). |
Preached by 黎伯樂長老 Elder Patrick Lai on October 20, 2013 (Sunday Morning). |